RED TOP® Brand Wood-Fiber Gypsum Plaster is a higher-strength basecoat plaster material than RED TOP® Brand Gypsum Plaster and can be used without aggregates. The material is manufactured with fine particles of selected wood fiber, so it needs addition of only water. RED TOP Wood-Fiber Gypsum Plaster can be applied to all standard lath and masonry plaster bases, but it is strongly recommended as a scratch coat for metal lath. This plaster requires aggregate when used in machine applications or when applied to masonry.
RED TOP Wood-Fiber Gypsum Plaster provides a plastic working material that will conform to most designs and help achieve durability in walls and ceilings. It can be applied by hand or machine methods, on gypsum and metal lath, gypsum and clay tile, concrete and cinder blocks, and other approved plaster bases.
- Provides excellent fire protection when properly proportioned with approved aggregates and used as part of a system that has been UL-tested for fire resistance
- Offers sound dampening
- Can be applied by hand or machine to all standard lath and masonry plaster bases (gypsum and metal lath, gypsum and clay tile, concrete and cinder blocks); strongly recommended as a scratch coat for metal lath
- Can be used without aggregates or with the addition of local sand — up to equal proportions by weight
50 lb bag
63 bags/pallet
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